Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Two Trend of The 21st Century

When God drove man out of the Garden of Eden, He placed man into a situation to be able to determine the future by following a basic trend. Although, Adam and his wife had one thing in mind (food and clothing) which were the trend of their time. Do you believe that if Versace, Gucci and the rest designers were there, they would have made a lot because, the population of people were increasing and more demanded clothing. We also saw that between the 40’s and the 60’s, the world experienced an increase in birth which everyone called “Baby Boomers”. They created the trend that ushered us into the 21st century. Notwithstanding, this trend was able to produce 100 dollar millionaire in 200 years. Now the question is what the 21st century trend is. We found out that there are two men who stand at the top of the world richest men. They are Bill Gates ($50Billion)(Internet) Warren Buffet ($44Billion)(Network Marketing). Since they are recognised to possess this position, one could veritably say that this two possess the trend of the 21st century. Bill Gates once said that this two trend will produce a 100 dollar millionaire in 10yrs. Now, you may wonder if this is true. I’d rather be caught trying than to allow this pass me by. You could be one of this 100 or just be among them that would do the scoring.



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